Writing he perfect loan proposal can be a bit tricky so here's our simple guide to get you the best loan for your business.
Choosing a business bank account Separating your business banking from your personal finances is important. If you’re setting up as...
What is a Confirmation Statement? The confirmation statement is a Companies House filing requirement which replaces the annual return. All...
When you’re starting out with your own business there are many financial factors to take into account. One that makes...
Working out how much of your company you should give to investors can cause many sleepless nights. For many, splitting...
Limited company, partnership or sole trader? In this article we'll explain what your business structure will mean for your financial liability.
Registering for VAT is a big decision for many businesses. Plus, knowing when you’re obliged to register and when it’s...
How Do I Dissolve My Company? Very few companies last forever. One study showed that of the companies listed on...
When it comes to equipping your business with essential assets, have you considered all the options? For instance, even if...
What are assets? Assets are all the resources your business owns or leases in order to operate. In this article, we’ll explain current and fixed assets, so you can take stock of your company as a whole.