
An Introduction to Employment Law for Small Businesses

Taking on your first employee? For many, the prospect of getting to grips with employment law may seem daunting. But...

What Really is Brain Food? How Omega 3 Can Help you Become More Focused at Running a Business

Your brain power relies on getting the right nutrients in your diet and supplements, so that you can stay focused,...

Balance Sheet Basics: Introducing the Holy Grail of Asset Management

As a new business owner, there are certain habits that are worth getting into. Good record keeping is one, and...

A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Social Media Strategy

For a small business still finding its feet, social media marketing is a fantastic way of connecting with a wider...

Finally Perfected your USP? Now to Convince your Customers…

The term USP (Unique Selling Point) is often thrown around among other marketing buzzwords with little real meaning. But what...

How to Secure a Loan with Bad Business Credit

There are good time and there are bad times... when money is an issue there are different routes you can take to secure extra funding for your small business.

How to start up a rental and leasing business

So, what exactly is a rental and leasing business? Rental and leasing businesses offer products, or assets, to customers on...

Why a Multivitamin can be the Key to Rediscovering your Work Motivation

What are the vitamins that will help you battle the tiredness and have a greater focus on your work?

How Do I Dissolve My Company?

How Do I Dissolve My Company? Very few companies last forever. One study showed that of the companies listed on...

Protecting your assets when a business partnership goes south

What would you do in the event your partnership goes bad? Hopefully it'll never happen, but it's important to have a plan in place to keep you and your assets safe.