Running a business

What Should I Include on my E-commerce Product Pages?

Getting the basics right It doesn’t matter how great your product is if your potential customers are never going to...

The art of negotiation: how to compromise without compromising your business

Learning the art of negotiation is necessary if you’re to reach a sales agreement that all parties are happy with.

Finding the Right Staff: How to Get the Most from Candidates at the Interview Stage

Finding the ideal candidate for your company can be a bit of a challenge - uncovering the basics of the art of interviewing will help you make better decisions.

Workforce wellness on a shoestring: keeping your team healthy and happy

When you register a ltd company, workforce wellness is vital. Employee wellbeing means business success, so what can you do for your startup on a shoestring?

A Complete Guide to Management Technology for Growing Businesses

A bulging order book, an expanding team, and a steady flow of financial transactions are all signs of an up...

Leadership and Management: How to Get the Balance Right

What is the difference between leadership and management? Let's have a look at the roles of managers and leaders.

Insurance for Consultants

Insurance for Consultants As a consultant, you rely on your clients, and they in turn rely on you. Every consultant...

How to Report Bad Results to Clients (and Not Get Fired)

Especially when you are still in the early stages of building up a client base, it’s important to put project...

Time Management Essentials: Putting Them Into Practice

When you are a small business owner it seems like time flies by - learning the basics of time management can help you achieve more.

Hiring Staff for the First Time? Here’s Everything you Need to Know Before you do

So your business is growing, and you’re ready to expand your team of employees. Not sure how to hire staff for the first time? The Formations Company can help.