Starting a Consulting Business: What You Need to Know

Starting a Consulting Business: What You Need to Know

You have the knowledge, know your niche and you also have that all-important gut feeling that now’s the right time to step off the corporate treadmill and go it alone… If this sounds familiar then the chances are that you’re toying with the idea of becoming a...
A Guide To Starting Your Business From Home In 2022

A Guide To Starting Your Business From Home In 2022

Many of us would relish the chance to put our skills and ideas to work in our very own business, not to mention the opportunity to ditch our daily commute. So then, what’s stopping us from taking the next logical step and going it alone by starting your business from...
Starting a Photography Business

Starting a Photography Business

It seems that the idea behind the ‘micro-business’ and photography go hand in hand. Almost half of the UK’s photography businesses consist of sole traders or freelance photographers and more than 90% of businesses comprise between 1 and 5 people. It’s easy to see the...
Choose The Funding Options Right For You

Choose The Funding Options Right For You

There’s nothing wrong with admitting that your sum total knowledge of how to attract outside investment comes from Dragon’s Den. In fact, taking a moment to focus on how TV portrays investment is useful for explaining what it actually involves. So here is an unfolding...
Professional Indemnity Insurance and Why You Need It

Professional Indemnity Insurance and Why You Need It

If you’re already working in a solicitors’ firm, either as a trainee or newly qualified lawyer, you’ve probably had some indirect exposure to the professional indemnity insurance (PII) renewal process. You may, for instance, have been asked to fill in a form to state...