
Visionary, Laissez-faire, or Charismatic? Finding the Right Leadership Style For Your Business

What leadership style fits your company better? What sort of traits should you look for when hiring a new executive position?

How to Write the Perfect Business Loan Proposal

Writing he perfect loan proposal can be a bit tricky so here's our simple guide to get you the best loan for your business.

What It Really Takes To Start Your Own Gym

The UK’s fitness industry is certainly in very good health. With the opening of more gyms and an increase in...

How to make preventing cyber crime the responsibility of every employee

The cyber security of your startup is something everyone should be aware of - but how do you get all your staff on board? Find out how keep your business safe.

Build A Website: Here’s How, Step by Step

Build your own website step by step Firstly, the good news for anyone with zero knowledge of coding: you don’t...

Registering or Forming a Company, What’s the Difference?

When starting a company there’s a lot of jargon that you’ll need to get your head around. We’re often asked...

Is the customer always right? Why good customer service matters

Wondering about how to provide good customer service as a startup? Read on for advice on how to keep clients happy online and off – and why it matters.

A Complete Guide to Shares: Part 2

All your shares questions answered here. Find out how to issue shares, how to transfer shares, and how to issue new stock.

What to do if your Limited Company Name is taken

What if any of the limited company names you are considering is taken? Let's have a look at the options you have when your chosen company name is taken.

Finding the Right Staff: How to Get the Most from Candidates at the Interview Stage

Finding the ideal candidate for your company can be a bit of a challenge - uncovering the basics of the art of interviewing will help you make better decisions.