Setting up a subsidiary company has huge advantages if you know what you’re doing. Find out how to get yours registered - without all the hassle.
What would you do in the event your partnership goes bad? Hopefully it'll never happen, but it's important to have a plan in place to keep you and your assets safe.
Compulsory management skills training, SRA authorisation, putting insurance cover in place, and not to mention the raft of regulations you need to comply with once you get the go-ahead to set up shop, are just a few examples of the regulations involved with starting a practice.
What are we talking about when we call a company dormant? And why would anyone want one? Here, we explain all there is to know about this particular business structure.
For some businesses setting up as a public limited company can make sense – but what is a PLC and what are its advantages and disadvantages?
If you are thinking of starting your own law practice, you are likely to be facing the dilemma: going solo or with a partner? Let's look at the pros and cons.
The prospect of dealing with ‘company accounts’ may seem a daunting one, but when it comes to dormant companies the...
Both offices are two key addresses you need to provide to Companies House when you’re forming a new company. We explain the difference between the two.
25th May 2019 marks 1 year since the deadline for compliance of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which was...
Sometimes when you want to start out in business, with an idea that’s not unique, it can be easier to...